<aside> ℹ️ Thank you for checking out this Review My Year template! This one is great for sharing your recommendations across a variety of categories. How to use this Notion Template:

  1. Go to the top right hand corner and click ‘Duplicate’ to add this to your own Notion workspace.
  2. Set aside at least 45 minutes to close all your other tabs, put on some of your favorite writing music and fill out each section in any order that your memories take you
  3. Customize the banners, icons and add your bio
  4. (Bonus) Add images for each category
  5. Hit ‘share’, publish and swap the link with others in your community!


🗓 Themes & mantras of the year

If I could sum up 2024 in 5 words they would be:

The advice, mantras or quotes that were in my mind all year:

If 2024 was a short story, what I would say would be the theme(s) of the year:

🙏 Stuff I’m grateful for

<aside> 💡 Write down everything you’re grateful for. Here are some general categories, but feel free to make your own.


🏆 Wins of the year

  1. What is the accomplishment I am most proud of this year, and why?
  2. Is there a moment or project from this year that significantly boosted my confidence or skills?

👎 L’s of the year

  1. What was a challenging setback I faced this year, and what did I learn from it?
  2. Can I recall a mistake or failure from this year that provided me with a valuable lesson or perspective?

🔭 Stuff I discovered this year

  1. What new interest, idea, or perspective did I discover this year that has had a meaningful impact on me?